orbeon controls Orbeon Demo: All Form Controls This form shows all the built-in controls supported by Form Builder { "inline" : true, "hidden_input" : false, "language" : "en", "statusbar" : false, "menubar" : false, "plugins" : "lists link", "toolbar" : "bold italic | bullist numlist outdent indent | link", "browser_spellcheck" : true, "encoding" : "xml", "entity_encoding" : "raw", "forced_root_block" : "div", "visual_table_class" : "fr-tinymce-table", "skin" : false, "convert_urls" : false, "sandbox_iframes" : true, "convert_unsafe_embeds": true }
Form Structure
Text Controls
Utility Controls
Typed Controls
Date and Time
Selection Controls
Global Library (Legacy)
HTTP Services
Database Services
Orbeon Forms PE Feature
It appears that you are using . Form Builder is likely not working properly with this browser. We recommend you upgrade to or newer, or use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. If we made a mistake and you are not using , please let us know.
Form Settings
It appears that you are using . Form Builder is likely not working properly with this browser. We recommend you upgrade to or newer, or use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. If we made a mistake and you are not using , please let us know.

Email Settings
Control Settings: "" / "" ()
Grid Settings: ""
Edit Choices
HTTP Service Editor
Control Names
Attach PDF templates
Test PDF Production

Standard input field
28This is an input field with a character counter
Standard text area
53This is a text area with a character counter
Standard text area
Standard text area with clipboard copy
The password is 42 ;)
Formatted Text Area
Rich text editor

This is an explanatory text:
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Nam condimentum quam ut orci efficitur, sit amet elementum nunc lobortis.
  • Sed consequat viverra varius.
This can also be a template and get values from other controls:
  • From the Text Field: {$item1}
  • From the Text Field with Character Counter: {$item2}
Great love and great achievements involve great risk.Standard text output with a label
Great love and great achievements involve great risk.Standard text output with a label but no border
Great love and great achievements involve great risk.Standard text output with a label and copy

Email field with validation
(555) 555-5555 US phone number field
US state selector
Currency $ Currency field
Number m/s Number field with validation
Currency (right-aligned) $ Currency field
Number (right-aligned) m/s Number field with validation
Price $
Price $
Price $
Items total $

Date Standard date field
Dropdown Date
Date selector with dropdown menus
Fields Date
Date selector with separate fields
12-Hour Time
Standard time field
24-Hour Time
Standard time field
12-Hour Time (No Seconds)
Standard time field
24-Hour Time (No Seconds)
Standard time field
Date and Time
Standard date and time field

Dropdown with "Other"
Dynamic Dropdown with searchSearch done by the UI
Dynamic Dropdown with searchSearch done by the service
CheckboxesStandard checkboxes
Scrollable Checkboxes Scrollable selector with checkboxes
An input which captures "true" or "false"
Radio ButtonsStandard radio buttons
Radio Buttons with "Other"
Yes/No Answer
Horizontal CheckboxesHorizontal checkboxes
Horizontal Radio ButtonsHorizontal radio buttons

Handwritten Signature
To do image annotations, your browser needs to support the HTML5 canvas

Static Image Static Image
Drag file here or select file.
Remove File
Static Video
Credit: NASA
Image Attachment
Video Attachment
Credit: NASA
Single File Attachment
Multiple File Attachment

orbeon / address-us / v1

orbeon / contact-information / v1
Mark this checkbox if you'd like to type HTML tags Click to enter a label Type your label here Click to add a hint Type your hint here Click to enter text Type your text here
Click to enter a section title Type your section title
Remove File
Remove File
Remove File
Remove File
Remove File
Add Language
Publish Form

XML Schema Upload
Remove File
Actions Editor
Database Service Editor
Form Preview
Form Submitted
Review Form Validation Messages
Unable to complete action
Create link to share